carpal tunnel syndrome
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is named after the Carpal Tunnel passage in the wrist which opens out into the hand. Several tendons, as well as the median nerve, pass through this narrow carpal tunnel. The median nerve branches out from the cervical spine (neck) into the hand and is the nerve that gives feeling to the thumb and first three fingers of the hand. If any of these tendons become inflamed due to injury or overuse, the median nerve becomes compressed and hence causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Carpal tunnel syndrome has become one of the most common repetitive soft tissue injuries and is a major cause of lost time at work and chronic sleep loss. Carpal tunnel syndrome typically affects assembly line workers, grocery store clerks, and data entry personnel, but it has become more common with increased use of computers, video games, and texting for long periods of time. Women are three times as prone to developing carpal tunnel syndrome than men. This may be because the carpal tunnel area is relatively smaller in women than in men.

Repetitive motion such as typing, assembly line work, playing video games and texting.
Inflammatory arthritis.
Sprain or fracture of the wrist.
Over-activity of the pituitary gland.
Fluid retention during pregnancy or menopause.

Pins and needles in the hand and fingers.
Pain in the wrist area.
Nerve pain in the wrist and hand.
Burning sensation in the wrist and hand.
Radiated nerve pain in the arm and shoulder.
Seeing a chiropractor is an easy, non-invasive method of addressing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Dr. Goel will complete a thorough check of your cervical spine to see if there is any possible compression of the median nerve. She will also check your wrist and elbow before performing gentle manipulations of the affected areas to relieve the pressure on the compressed nerve. Another method Dr. Goel may use is trigger point therapy, a technique used to release muscle tension, or she may prescribe you a set of stretching exercises or strengthening exercises. If left untreated, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome may leave a person unable to move their thumb and they may find it difficult to pick up or hold onto items. Left untreated for too long and it may result in permanent damage.
Once a diagnosis is achieved it will be used to develop an individualized treatment plan that will help ensure a fast recovery.
Dr. Goel will also look at the lifestyle factors that have led to the injury and help you make modifications as necessary to prevent future instances.
At the Decarie Square Wellness Chiropractic Clinic, we believe the body works as one connected system. The spine, nervous system, muscles, and joints are all connected to each other, affecting the way our bodies maintain and restore their health. Dr. Goel combines a variety of treatments that reflect this holistic approach so that your body can be resilient in facing everyday challenges.
Chiropractic care is a safe, efficient, and effective way not only for eradicating the pain but also to address the underlying cause. Remember, if left untreated for too long Carpal Tunnel Syndrome may result in permanent damage. If you are dealing with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, contact our friendly clinic to book an appointment, for an accurate diagnosis and treatment of your condition. You can contact us online or call 514.344.6118.