shoulder pain

The shoulder contains the most mobile joint in our body. It is a ball and socket joint held together by numerous muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Just about every movement of our arms involves the use of our shoulders. We use our shoulders for simple activities as walking, eating, or brushing our teeth every morning. So, any injury to, our shoulders can significantly impact our lives and prevent us from being able to do many simple chores. Even when mild, the pain could still prevent the people from enjoying their life fully or performing job-related tasks.

Shoulder injuries and pain mostly occur from overuse, repetitive motions, and bad posture. If left untreated shoulder pain can progress into back and neck pain or other issues like tingling and numbness in your hands.


The shoulder joint is subject to many types of injury and is home to various bones, tendons, ligaments, and muscles that must intricately work together. Injuries to this area can originate from many sources. Direct trauma, dislocation, laceration, and overuse and repetitive motion activities are only a few causes of injury that patients may encounter.

The cause of pain plays a significant role in how shoulder pain develops, also affecting the type of pain that may be manifested in the joint. The cause of pain must be determined to begin to effectively eliminate the type of pain present. A few of the underlying causes of shoulder pain include:


If your shoulder is pulled back too hard or rotated too far, the top of your arm might pop out of its socket. The force required is often that of a fall or a collision with another person or object (both of which can occur during many sports). This condition is very painful, and the patient will have great difficulty moving the arm even a little bit. You will feel pain and weakness in your shoulder. You may also have swelling, numbness and bruising.


Tendonitis (also known as tendinitis) is a general term used to describe inflammation associated with a tendon. Tendons connect muscles to bone, and inflammation of these rope-like tissues is the most common cause of soft-tissue pain. Tendonitis differs from arthritis, which refers to inflammation of a joint.

Shoulder tendonitis occurs when the tendons that make up your rotator cuff gets inflamed. It can happen slowly over time or as the result of a fall or a direct hit to your shoulder. It is a common injury in sports, such as swimming, baseball, and tennis where the arm is used in an overhead motion.


A shoulder impingement occurs when the space between your rotator cuff and acromion narrows and increases pressure to the rotator cuff. This causes impingement when you raise your arm. Impingement is typically due to overuse; repeated use of the shoulder can make your tendons swell, leading them to catch on your acromion.


Frozen shoulder is a painful shoulder condition that limits movement and causes stiffness in the joint. The condition is caused by the inflammation of the shoulder capsule, the tissue that surrounds the joint. The shoulder capsule becomes thick, tight and forms stiff bands of tissue called adhesions.

It has three stages. The first stage is painful, when the tough connective tissue capsule begins to thicken (freezing), and it starts to become difficult to move the shoulder. In the second stage, pain may improve but range of motion gets worse (frozen). In the third stage, range of motion begins to improve (thawing). It can take up to four years to cycle through the stages.

People with frozen shoulders find simple tasks such as putting on a shirt or even brushing their hair exceedingly difficult. It can also cause sleep disturbance and insomnia. Without proper treatment and intervention, frozen shoulder pain can persist for years.


The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons in the shoulder that hold the arm in place and let you lift your arm up overhead. A rotator cuff tear is an injury where one or more of the tendons or muscles of the rotator cuff of the shoulder get torn.

The rotator cuff muscles and tendons may be injured by trauma, such as falling when skiing or biking, or from arthritic spurs that form within the shoulder and erode the cuff tissue over time.


Shoulder instability is a problem that occurs when the structures that surround the shoulder joint do not work to maintain the ball within its socket. If the joint is too loose, it may slide partially out of place, a condition called subluxation (partial dislocation of the shoulder joint). If the joint comes completely out of place, this is called a shoulder dislocation.

Tennis, swimming, volleyball, and other sports that require repetitive overhead motion can stretch the shoulder ligaments. Having loosened ligaments can make it hard to maintain stability in the shoulder.

When the shoulder is loose and slips out of place repeatedly, the condition is described as chronic shoulder instability. Chronic shoulder instability means your shoulder can dislocate during active movement or exercise.



Difficulty raising your arm.


Shoulder pain that becomes more pronounced in the evening.


Any visual signs of damage to the joint such as bruising, redness or swelling.


Unusual snapping or clicking sensations in the joint during movement.


General ache, discomfort and/or stiffness.


Pain, numbness or tingling that travels down the arm.


Difficulty sleeping on the affected shoulder.


Difficulty turning the head.


Instability of the shoulder.


Neck pain.


The shoulders may appear to be at different heights.


Pain when you lift or move the arm.


Difficulty in putting your hand behind your back or head.


Muscle weakness or pain when attempting to reach or lift.


To determine the cause of your shoulder problem, we begin with a thorough consultation, where Dr. Goel will look at your overall health, focusing not only on your shoulder, but also on your lifestyle, such as diet and amount of daily exercise. This integrated approach helps determine the best treatment for your shoulder pain. To help identify the cause of your problem, Dr. Goel will discuss your symptoms and previous injuries, your family health history, and your lifestyle, including recreational and work-related physical activities.

After the consultation, Dr. Goel will conduct a full physical, orthopaedic, and neurological examination of the shoulder, cervical and thoracic spine. In some cases, she may recommend imaging tests, such as X-rays, CT scan or MRI to aid our diagnosis.

Once a diagnosis is achieved it will be used to develop an individualized care plan that will help ensure a fast recovery.

Our approach may include spinal adjustments, adjustments to the joints of the body, trigger point therapy , plus the prescription of rehabilitation exercises and stretches to improve posture.

With shoulder pain, we will also look at the lifestyle factors that have led to the injury and help you make modifications as necessary to prevent future instances.


At the Decarie Square Wellness Chiropractic Clinic, we believe the body works as one connected system. The spine, nervous system, muscles, and joints are all connected to each other, affecting the way our bodies maintain and restore their health. Dr. Goel combines a variety of treatments that reflect this holistic approach so that your body can maintain optimum health.

Chiropractic care is a safe, efficient, and effective way not only for eradicating the pain but also to address the underlying cause. If ongoing shoulder pain is interfering with your ability to go about life normally, contact Decarie Square Wellness Chiropractic Clinic. Shoulder pain relief is available. Do not suffer with it for another day. Call 514-344-6118 to schedule an appointment!