In the past, populations most afflicted with osteoarthritis included the elderly, women, the physically inactive, overweight individuals and those with low educations. A recent study, however, “found that arthritis was more common among several groups not not recognized consistently in previous studies to have prevalence rates for arthritis: separated and divorced people, those out of work or unable to work, and current and former smokers.”

In the past, populations most affected by osteoarthritis have included the elderly, women, the physically inactive, the overweight, and those with low education. A recent study, however, “found that arthritis was more common in several groups that were not consistently recognized in previous studies as having prevalence rates of arthritis: separated and divorced people, people who were unemployed or unable to work, and current and former smokers. “


Almost everyone over the age of 50 suffers to some degree from this degenerative disease.

A non-inflammatory form of arthritis, OA can have a degenerative effect on one or more joints. This includes the loss of cartilage and the proliferation of bone spurs.


Symptoms include joint pain (especially after exercise or use), stiffness and tenderness. The areas most affected are the hips, knees and spine.


Chiropractors adapt the “wellness attitude,” which emphasizes prevention rather than masking pain with medication. This holistic approach to disease prevention includes nutrition, exercise and stress reduction.

Spinal health is the foundation of a wellness lifestyle. A subluxation of the spine, if left uncorrected, can lead to osteoarthritis. Chiropractic adjustment preserves joints from osteoarthritis by promoting proper range of motion and natural lubrication.

A truly effective and conservative approach to treating osteoarthritis should include chiropractic care, exercise and supplements. Call for your appointment to learn how chiropractic exams can help improve your health.

À la Clinique chiropratique Decarie Square Wellness, nous pensons que le corps fonctionne comme un seul système connecté. La colonne vertébrale, le système nerveux, les muscles et les articulations sont tous connectés les uns aux autres, ce qui affecte la façon dont notre corps maintient et rétablit sa santé. Le Dr Goel combine une variété de traitements qui reflètent cette approche holistique afin que votre corps puisse maintenir une santé optimale. Les soins chiropratiques sont un moyen sûr, efficace et efficient non seulement pour éradiquer la douleur mais aussi pour traiter la cause sous-jacente. Contactez notre clinique conviviale pour prendre rendez-vous, pour un diagnostic et un traitement précis de votre état. Vous pouvez nous contacter en ligne ou appeler le 514.344.6118.